
Ok, so after debating over various ideas that interest me in relation to the brief titled "The Urban Environment", I decided that people watching was something that interested me very much. I wanted to study the movement and habitual actions of human beings in relation to their urban enviornment. I then wanted to develop this further and so honed in on the idea of  "Commercial Beauty" in an urban environment and the idea of destroyed beauty in the urban environment. My project is based soley around the human being. In my first few weeks, I sketched out a few ideas I had for pieces, but I soon realised that was not the right route to take. I began to observe my urban environment, directly and sketch people in Limerick City. I also moved on to working with different mediums and creating a casting of a manniquins head to which I moulded a wax and plaster copy from. I have also started recording conversations within the urban enviornment, often spending hourse just sitting on a step in town recording the nouvelle gossip and news of  Limerick's Urban Enviornment. All in all, the project is going well, I now have a clear and concise view of what I want to investigate and express throughout the various mediums of art and design.

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