Its Been A While.


After a severe personal shock I found myself lost in this project to be honest. I lost complete focus and direciton in my project. I find myself only really and truly coming out of this "funk" about two or three weeks ago. Now, I can see where my errors were in my project and link all my work I had previously done together and show my train of thought throughout the ast few months. This body of work now is a culmination of "The Destruction of Beauty" I wanted at the start of my project. Living in the country all of my life and moving to the city for the first time this September, this was something I personally noticed more. Walking down the streets and all over town there are billboards, posters, advertisements, and signs all around me bombarding me with products and methods to “make me beautiful”. At first I found it truly over-whelming as I was completely exposed and vulnerable to such severe advertising. I felt drowned by it. I wanted to show my reaction to all of this “commercial beauty” in relation to the urban environment and show how beauty can be ugly and often lead to destruction. I placed my mouldins of the faces aside while I took some references from the sketches I took of people around Limerick City and used them in a collage to create a big piece. I wanted to show the destruction of beauty from a series of pictures depicting the motions of the stuggle of women to "be beautiful". In this  sense I used an image of the mother and child taken from a sketch, to show the beginning, and natural beauty. The three other images that follow are a depiction of the struggle of women in an urban enviornment. The lower image on the page is taken from a sketch of a homeless woman, however I've made her naked in order to show her vunerablity and isolation.

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